Waterfowl and Upland Bird Hunting
Camp Narrows Lodge offers hunters an incredible unguided or guided duck or Canada goose hunting outfitters package. Camp Narrows is located on the prime migration routes for puddle and diver ducks. Our guides can outfit duck hunts that fit all your needs.
Duck, Goose, Waterfowl & Grouse Hunting in Ontario, Canada
Mallards, Teals, Wood ducks, Bluebills, Buffleheads and Goldeyes
Camp Narrows Lodge, on Rainy Lake offers hunters an incredible unguided or guided duck or Canada goose hunting outfitters package. Ontario duck hunting is awesome because waterfowl flock to our area of Northwestern Ontario to feed on the abundance of wild rice. Our area of Canada has a large population of local ducks and geese, as well, we are located on the prime migration routes for puddle or diver ducks. Our guides can outfit duck hunts that fit all your needs. We are a boat-in resort, so we are located just minutes away from prime duck hunting areas. Each bay is a little different, but one thing is for certain, they all contain wild rice.
We are located right in between some of the best duck hunting bays in Northwest Ontario. Duck hunting pressure is very little in our area. Blinds are located in and around the bays. Many of these areas are 1/4 mile wide and about 3/4 of a mile long, and about 3 -5 feet deep. They all have channels running through them. The rice grows to be about 2 -5 feet tall. Paddling a canoe or setting a spread just on the edge, is the best way to hunt the rice bays.
Hunt at the Peak of the Fall Migration
The early season in September, offers duck hunts for mallards, teal, wood ducks, Canadian geese, as well as some divers. These are all done over decoys in the many wild rice bays located within minutes of the resort. We also have many beaver ponds to set up in as well. Grouse can be shot traveling in and out of the ponds. These give you the true Canadian waterfowl hunting experience.
Throughout October, the divers start to migrate south. Ringnecks, bluebills, buffleheads, goldeneyes, hooded merganser, redheads and the northern mallards all migrate through our area by the thousands. This is truly the time for fun. The sounds of a flock of ringnecks buzzing your decoys can’t be beat. At this time, you set your spreads of dive decoys of the points or the mouths of the rice bays. The water depth is usually around 3 -10 feet out here. If the bays start to freeze, we just move out to the island points. It is cold, but the hunting is probably the best of the year. This is also a good time to get some of your mounting ducks. The plumage is great.

Let Your Next Hunting Adventure Begin
Camp Narrows is more than just a sport fisherman’s paradise. Our lodge offers fall black bear and duck hunts, as well as whitetail deer hunts. We offer guided trophy whitetail deer hunts, that are completely outfitted.
Rainy Lake Waterfowl and Upland Bird Hunting Info
Ontario has been a waterfowler’s hot spot in North America for more than a decade. Whether you hunt for duck or goose, from boat or shore, Ontario offers such a wide range of waterfowling experiences that a lifetime spent hunting is barely enough to sample it all.
Goose hunters will find an abundance of Canada and Brant geese searching for food across the tidal flats, or preparing for the long migration south along James Bay and Hudson Bay. In Southern Ontario, hunters mostly seek out two subspecies: the maximas, or resident Canada geese, who reach 15 lbs (6.8 kg), and the interiors, the migrant Canada geese, that weigh up to 12 lbs (5.4 kg).
Duck hunters will find goldeneye and pintail in the north. Heading south, take your pick of green-winged teal, ringneck, mallards and black duck. In the southernmost corridor, experience thriving populations of redheads, widgeon and canvasbacks, to name only a few. In either case, hunters can be assured that the harvesting limits for both duck and geese are generous.
Information for Hunters
Waterfowlers have many choices to make, whether seasoned veterans or those who prefer to hunt through a guide or outfitter. All waterfowlers should be aware of the following:
- Waterfowl hunters require a federal Migratory Game Bird Hunting Permit and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Stamp (available at any post office) as well as an Ontario small game license.
- Non-toxic shot is required for all waterfowl hunting in Canada.
- Most field hunting for Canada geese in Southern Ontario occurs on private land; hunters require the permission of the landowner, or may want to look into trips through outfitters who have pre-granted access.
Tom’s Hunting Tips
- Goose season opens on Sept 1, and duck season opens on Sept 15th. The early season is mostly puddle ducks, which include Mallards, wood ducks, blue and green wing teal, with the occasional ringneck and blue bill.
- We hunt the many beaver ponds or set up in the many wild rice bays. 1 -2 dozen decoys are all you need for the early season. Random placement in small groups works best. You should also have a couple of floater Canada geese decoys amongst the spread as well. Calling helps, so don’t forget them.
- We are open until the end of October. The diver hunting is fast and furious. Blue bills, ring necks, buffle heads, golden eyes, hooded mergansers, gadwalls, red heads and the northern mallards are all around through the end of October. If the rice bays are frozen, the islands and points out in front are the best to set up on.